
Be Careful when Conference Calls! A little Carelessness will Blow Away all the Money from your Account

Speaking on a conference call? If you do this, be careful! Otherwise you may be a victim of scammers. A little carelessness will blow your account in no time. Now scammers have come up with a new method of online fraud. This is the scammer’s new way of cheating. Go through this article and know how to avoid this scam.

Now conference call or call merge scam is causing huge loss to people. Therefore, the government and banks are making continuous efforts to warn people. But, a little carelessness will drain the account in no time. Fraudsters call cell phone users and merge calls. So many times they ask to get OTP without their knowledge. And once the OTP is received, it doesn’t take much time for them to unlock the account.

UPI Alert User to Do Not Pick Up & Merge Calls with Unknown Number

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) have alerted users about the threat on its social media X account. Do not pick up calls from unknown numbers even by mistake. Because these fraudsters speak with the identity of someone they know.Then they asks to merge the call and as soon as the call is merged, your call will be connected to the bank’s OTP verification call. The OTP coming to your phone starts reaching the fraudster. After which the fraudster can easily withdraw money from your bank account.

However, the National Payments Corporation of India has issued a warning about such fraud and has given some advice to avoid it. If you get OTP for no reason, report it immediately. NPCI prohibits unknown call merges and advises to report such fraudulent calls on NPCI helpline number 1930.

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