
How to Detect a Fake Friend Request on Facebook?

If you are a Facebook user then you must be getting friend request from different people. Some friends requests are from the known circle but some are totally new people those who don’t have any shared connection with you, then their may be chances of those friends requests are fake friend request. If you want to spot a fake friend request, then go through this article and know how you can identify a friend request you have got is fake or genuine one and who might send a fake friend request.

Reasons of Someone Sends a Fake Friend Request

There are so many reasons that you may receive fake Facebook friend requests, some reason may be harmless and some may malicious. There are different types of people who send fake or malicious friend requests that includes Scammers, Malicious linkers, Ex-partners, Current partner or may be Private investigators.


To gain access to personal information that you restrict to “friends only” , Scammers create fake Facebook profiles and request to be your friend. Scammer may want to get your contact information for spamming or other personal information that might be useful in setting you up for a phishing attack.

Malicious linkers

You may receive friend requests from attackers who post malicious links to malware or phishing sites. When you accept their friend request those malicious links will show up in your Facebook newsfeed.


If your previous relationship ended in a bad note and you unfriend the person, then your ex is out of your circle of Facebook friends. However, by creating a fake profile your ex can find a way back to your Facebook account and befriend with you using another name.

Current partner

If your spouse or current partner want to test your faithfulness in a dishonest manner, they may create a false profile with an attractive profile picture to test you. If you accept the friend request and respond to posts or chats, your spouse could record this information with the intent of using it against you later.

Private investigators

To learn more information about you, the Private investigators can use fake profile friend requests. They may be want to know the information you normally restrict from public view and reserve for friends only.

How to Detect a Fake Friend Request

If you are looking for the clues that a friend request you have received might not be genuine, but the fake one then below are some aspects you can consider before accepting the friend request.

If you don’t know the Requester or don’t have any friends in common

If you are getting a friend request from unknown person or you don’t have any mutual friend, then their may be chances of the friend request is fake. If you can’t remembered meeting the person in real life or through any mutual friends, then the friend request you got may have sent to you under false pretenses. You should check the person’s friends list if it’s not a private account and see their mutual friends list to see if you know anyone. You can check with your shared connections to see if they know the person.

Getting friend request from an attractive person

If you receive a friend request on Facebook from an attractive person whom you don’t know, then you should be cautious. Getting friend request with a picture of a good-looking person posing provocatively is the often used to create fake friend requests.

Received friend request equest from a person with a limited Facebook history

The friend request may be bogus, if the person joined Facebook a short time ago. The most legitimate Facebook users have a long history on their timeline of several years. Fake profiles are often created to be in a hurry, and most profiles indicate when the person joined Facebook. If you see the request is recieved was created 12 days ago, then that person would most likely try to scam you.

If the person have an unusually small or large number of friends with the same gender

Fake profiles either have an extremely small or impossibly large number of friends on their friends list. Incase of gender, if you see the gender of those on their friends list predominantly of the opposite gender of the requester, then this may be a fake profile. You can suspect a fake profile if the request is from a lady targeting men, expect almost all men in the friends list and vice-versa instead of a mix of men and women like you would expect from a real person.

Having little personal content on their timeline

Due to the effort required to generate “real” content, you likely won’t see a lot of day-to-day activity on a fake profile. You may either see some pictures, or some links, but you most probably won’t see many location check-ins or status updates. But, in case of scammers of the catfishing type, this may be not applicable because making their online personas seem as real as possible they may spend a lot of time and give lot of efforts.

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