How to Fix “Android Device Not Charging” Problem?

If you are having troubled getting your Android device charge, then go through this article and know 5 ways to fix Android device not charging issue.
1. May be Your Charger is not Fully Plugged in
The first issue that may be causing your Android to not charge properly is your charger not being plugged in the right way. This is the common problem if you have a phone case in your phone essentially the bulky protective case.
To solve this issue remove your phone cases and try firmly enter the charger to ensure all the way plugged in and settings straight.
2. Charger/ Port Needs Cleaning
Another issue that can cause your Android not charge properly is the dirty charging port or charger. If their is any debris or residue on your charger or the charging port that plugs into, this can prevent your device into charging.
You can generally wipe up charger with a cotton swap. Clean your charging port on your device with either a cotton swap or toothpick. Do not use anything metal as it scrapped or damaged inside of your charging port. Once you have cleaned them both, try plug in your charger again to see if it is solve the problem.
3. Try Different Charger
If you are still have problem with your Android not charging it possible your charger is the issue. You can try using a different charging cord to plug in your device. You can also try different adaptor. Charging cords and adaptor can get worn over time, so you may just need to replace the charger.
4. Test Outlets/ Use Another Outlet
If your charger appears to be fine but your device still not charging, then test your power outlet, if it works or not by plug in something in to it, such as lamp or small appliances. You can also use to try plug in your charger in to different outlet to see if that works or not. Additionally, you can test using the cord alone and plugin in to USB outlet such as computer USB port.
5. Reboot Your Android Device
The last thing you can do is to reboot your device. Turn off your device, wait atleast 30 sec then turn it on again. After restart try plug in your charger again to see if it works.
If none of the above tips works for you, then there may be an issue with your Android hardware. In this case you can go to your mobile service centre to have them take a look at it or you can get in touch with the customer support team of the manufacturer of your device to get assistance with your issue and coordinate any necessary repairs.
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