How Much Time you Should Keep your Fridge Turned Off Daily? Know the Rules

People use Refrigerator to keep food items longer. But people keep the fridge on all day. Some people switch off the fridge in between to reduce the electricity bill. Leaving the fridge on for a long time makes the fridge hot, some people turn off the fridge for a short time to cool it down. But by doing this kind of on and off, there is a possibility of deteriorating the condition of the fridge. That is why it is important to turn off the fridge for a certain period of time.
If you think close the refrigerator for a day or an hour, will not deteriorate your fridge and it will last for a long time, then you are absolutely wrong. The fridge has an auto-cut-off feature, the fridge automatically shuts off if needed. It does not require to turn off. The temperature center attached to the refrigerator automatically cuts off the power after cooling the fridge. So that there is no overload in the fridge. The refrigerator should only be turned off during repairs. If you are not living at home for a month or if you are going out for a long time then it is necessary to turn off the fridge.
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