How To Get A High Fps In PUBG Mobile And BGMI On Xiaomi Phones

With the addition of BGMI and PUBG Mobile, the world of mobile gaming has taken on a new level. Both versions have proven popular in their respective locations, with the former being the Indian equivalent of the latter. Millions of players in India and around the world have spent hours playing Battlegrounds Mobile India and PUBG Mobile’s Battle Royale modes.
As the game’s popularity has grown, mobile phones have included a number of additional gaming-friendly features. This includes features such as a faster processor, a higher refresh rate, a larger screen, and a dedicated gaming mode. Xiaomi has built a name for itself among the numerous brands available on the market, introducing several phones and even a series of phones dedicated solely to gaming – POCO. BGMI and PUBG Mobile players can start their esports careers by using Xiaomi phones, which allow them to play the game at a higher frame rate, allowing them to perform better in matches.
What are the different methods that BGMI and PUBG Mobile gamers can set up High FPS on their Xiaomi phones for a pleasant gaming experience?
In-game Settings
Both versions have a comparable user interface, making it simple for Battlegrounds Mobile India users to customise their visuals, controls, and sensitivity levels, just like they did before PUBG Mobile was banned in India. They must follow a few basic procedures in order to set High FPS settings in the game. Let’s have a look at them:
- Step 1: Log-in to the game
- Step 2: Tap on the in-game settings menu
- Step 3: Choose the Graphics option
- Step 4: Set Graphics to Smooth or So Smooth
- Step 5: Set Frame Rate to High
General Phone Settings
In Battle Royale games, frame rates are extremely important. As a result, individuals using Xiaomi phones adjust the game’s general settings, allowing them to play at a high frame rate without lag or frame drops. Here’s how to adjust the Refresh Rate, which aids in determining FPS in the game.
- Step 1: Click on the Settings option
- Step 2: Head over on to the Display settings
- Step 3: Choose Refresh Rate
- Step 4: Select 60 FPS or 120 FPS
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