Is Your iPhone Battery Draining Fast? How to Fix It?

If you’re finding that your iPhone battery is draining faster than usual, then there are a few things you can try to fix the problem. Go through this article and know some ways to fix your iPhone Battery Drainage problem.
Before we get started, it’s important to note that some battery drain is normal. Your iPhone’s battery will naturally degrade over time, and depending on how you’re using your phone it also normal for battery life to vary. But, if you are noticing that your battery is draining significantly faster than usual, there’s probably something you can do to fix it.
Causes of Your iPhone Battery Draining Fast
Since Apple rolled out iOS 13, many iPhone users have reported the issue of their iPhone battery drainage. Many users experienced that within a couple of hours their battery going from full charge to 20%. There have also been reports of iPhones overheating easily and spontaneously rebooting, even when the phone is not in use.
How to Fix iPhone Battery Drainage Problem?
If your iPhone battery draining fast, then there are a few things you can try to fix this problem and and increase your battery life.
Close Faulty Apps
A broken app might drain power from an iPhone. For the most part, stopping an application on iPhone doesn’t further develop its battery life. But, if something is wrong with the application, it could cause an issue. You can see whether an application utilizes a lot of battery by going to the Settings of your iPhone , then select the Battery, and see the open apps that are utilizing the battery. Search for anything that utilizes a high amount of power and if necessary, close the app.
Connect to Wi-Fi or Turn off Wi-Fi
If you are beyond the range of a Wi-Fi or cellular network, your phone will be in constant search mode. If your iPhone can’t connect to Wi-Fi, or it has no service from your mobile carrier, it keeps on looking for a network to connect to, thereby draining the battery. To resolve this problem you can Turn off your Wi-Fi and prevent it from connecting automatically, or you can put your iPhone in Airplane Mode to reduce the drain.
Adjust the Brightness
The brightness at which an iPhone displays can affect the battery life since it takes more power to generate more light. Turn off auto-brightness, then at that point, set the screen brightness to a dimmer setting, or you can also enable Dark Mode. If you enable dark mode, it canchanges the color theme on the device to darker colors that require less battery power.
Place the iPhone Face Down when Receiving Notifications
The phone’s screen lights up every time when you receive a notification on your iPhone. The more notifications you receive, the faster the battery drains. But, if you leave your iPhone face down, then this can help in preserving battery and avoid drainage. After you face down your iPhone it will still receive notifications, but the screen won’t light up. You can stop the iPhone battery from draining too quickly, if you don’t check every notification you receive,
Turn off Push Mail on the iPhone
Your iPhone constantly checks the email servers to see if there are any new email, when the iPhone email settings have Push turned on and in this process it using the power. When you turn on Push Mail, it maintains a constant connection that looks for new emails and when a new mail you receive it pushes them to your iPhone as quickly as possible. You can change the Push Mail settings to Every 15 Minutes, and stay in the loop without draining the iPhone battery too quickly.
Disable Raise to Wake
Raise to Wake feature is one of the functions that iPhones automatically use to turns on the iPhone screen every time it is picked up or moved around. This feature save you the hassle of having to press the power button every time when you want to view your iPhone screen, but it can also cause battery drainage every time when you moved your phone.
To turn off Rsise to Wake feature go to Settings of your iPhone, then select ‘Display and Brightness’, and then toggle off the switch ‘Raise to Wake.’ Turning off this feature can improves the iPhone’s overall battery life.
Configure Widgets and Notifications
Widgets on your homescreen will let you access your favourite apps easily but each of those widgets requires battery power to maintain a connection and keep data relevant. For example the Today View gives you today’s date and current time. When you reduce the number of widgets, that can help to stop the iPhone battery from draining too quickly.
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