New Halloweeks Mode Introduces PUBG, Check Out

New PUBG update: The new PUBG Halloweeks Mode is based around the classic Erangel map and offers gamers the ability to take on the undead in a new way, with the new Halloweek mode available from today until 9 November. Players who queue at random for Erangle will be given an opportunity to enable the Halloween mode. Content from the latest PUBG Mobile Halloweek mode will launch globally today.
In the Erangle Map, the new Halloweeks mode will be shown and players will have the opportunity to enable the new mode. The mode includes campuses for zombies and appears at four different locations across the map. If you remove zombies on campus, you will be able to get the loot boxes containing various things that you like.
By eliminating the players, there will be four zombie bosses with the ability to gain control. If you kill the bosses, you can get precious resources for combat supplies. Power4 has also been added to the game as a new virtual rock and roll band. In the game , players will also be able to get POWER4 outfits. So team up and get the chance to enter Halloweeks Mode with your mates.
PUBG halloween infected mode was also recently introduced in the game, players are divided into two groups (Defenders and Zombies) if the defenders were attacked by the zombies and the zombies were killed and if only one defender left the team wins. Get the latest updates on the Insidesport PUBG Halloween mode.