TRAI: Govt Orders Mobile Service Providers to Come Up with Separate Plan for Voice Calls & SMS

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on Monday amended the tariff rules. Under this, mobile service provider companies have to issue recharge coupons for SMS only to customers who do not use voice calls and data. Currently, companies are offering internet data, voice call and SMS recharge coupons.
TRAI has removed the 90-day limit on special recharge coupons to 365 days. The TRAI Telecom Consumer Protection (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2024 state that service providers have to provide at least one special tariff voucher for voice and SMS only. Its validity period shall not exceed 365 days. This decision will benefit customers who do not use internet data and only use voice calls and SMS.
TRAI has allowed telecom companies to issue recharge vouchers of any value, but they also have to issue recharge coupons of at least Rs 10. Earlier, the rule allowed telecom operators to issue top-up vouchers of Rs 10 and multiples of Rs 10. During the consultation process, the TRAI received various views, these included many senior citizens, families with broadband at home, etc., who did not require recharge plans with data for mobile phones.
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