Using Instagram, How To Hide Followers And Following Lists in 2023

Social media presence has merged with our identities. People assume that you have a Facebook or Instagram account, even though it’s not required. Most of the time, we do post details about our life on social media, but not everyone is happy with everything it delivers. The boundaries of what is deemed private information have become hazy thanks to Instagram and other social media platforms. You should thus take some safety measures. You might want to keep your Instagram Followers and Following list hidden. Can you do that, though?
Hiding Your Followers
Sometimes it seems like social media platforms’ regulations are completely arbitrary. Giving consumers several options for managing their accounts while still upholding the essence of what they stand for is a delicate balance. Instagram appears to have a simple idea at first glance. It was only a location where you could share your photographs and videos before the addition of the Instagram Story Feature and IGTV. Now, it encompasses much more.
So, is it possible to conceal the Instagram Followers and Following list? Unluckily, you cannot. There are always visible numbers showing how many people you are following and how many people are following you back. No matter what kind of account you have, the numbers cannot be concealed. It’s one of the things Instagram doesn’t compromise on.
It is logical. Whether you like it or not, social media is heavily influenced by your number of followers. If you could just hide the Following and Followers list on Instagram and let people guess, that would be a counterproductive business move. Yet, there are steps you can do to control who has access to what on your account.
Control Your Visibility
Sometimes people don’t consider the kind of digital footprint they leave behind. There is too much data and imagery, and you have no control over what other users upload. Being mindful of who is viewing what on your Instagram account is not only wise, it’s advised. Hence, you should go from a public to a private profile unless you operate an internet business, are an influencer, or are a famous person.
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Removing Followers
It’s possible to find yourself in a scenario where you wish to hide your list of followers, even if you already have a private Instagram account. What happens, then, if the person or people you’re trying to keep the knowledge from are already pursuing you? This is entirely conceivable to occur. And when it does, knowing you can take action to prevent it is consoling. All you need to do to unfollow someone is:
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By doing this, anyone who previously had access to your Followers’ and Following’s’ lists will no longer have it. On Instagram, they can still discover your profile, but they’d need to submit you another request to get back onto your page.
Restricting Accounts
Sometimes you don’t want to get rid of a follower, but you still want to limit their access to your Instagram account since you’re having problems with them. You can definitely do that on Instagram. Your online status and whether you’ve read their messages will be hidden from the person you’ve restricted.
They are the only ones who can see the comments they put on your postings. By selecting “See Comment,” you can decide whether to view the comment. Moreover, you may simply choose “Approve” if you want other users who are following you to see their comment. As an alternative, you can simply remove or disregard it. You can restrict or unrestrict someone’s account in the following ways:
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Also, you may use the restricted accounts option from their own profile, comments, or direct messaging. However this approach is most likely the simplest.
Block Accounts
The option to block an Instagram account is always available. For some people, it usually represents a last resort. Yet those with a sizable fan base who frequently face criticism online are accustomed to employing it. It’s vital to understand that if you block someone, they won’t be able to see who you follow or who follows you. Thus it’s definitely preferable to be aware of the precise steps of blocking someone online.
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They have left, that is it. They won’t be able to access your account at all and won’t be able to see your lists of followers or followers of followers.
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