What Is The Best Way To Hide Your Instagram Status Online?

Most social media networks and chat platforms now have a feature that reveals when a user was last online or active on the site, which can be useful or inconvenient depending on your personal or professional circumstances.
When you’re viewing messages from a user in your Direct inbox, WhatsApp offers an optional “Last Seen” status for the person you’re conversing with in a discussion thread, and Instagram shows you how long it’s been since they were active. If the individual is currently interacting with Instagram, a green dot appears next to their profile photo and name.
However, you may not want someone — or indeed anyone – to know when you were last active on social media for whatever reason. Thankfully, both WhatsApp and Instagram allow you to hide your activity status. The focus of this article is on how to hide your Instagram status, but you can do the same thing with WhatsApp.
Hide Your Instagram Online Status
- Hide Your Instagram Status on the Internet
- Open the Instagram application.
- In the bottom-right corner, tap the profile symbol.
- In the top-right corner, tap the three lines.
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Ap Privacy
- Select Activity Status from the menu.
- Toggle off Show activity status by tapping the switch.
Did you know you can also hide the number of Likes and Views on Instagram posts?
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